Practice information

Contact hours: Monday to Friday. 8.30am to 6.30pm

Our philosophy

Rather than treating symptoms, osteopathy aims to find the underlying cause of a problem. This practice strongly believes in the fundamental osteopathic principle that the body has the ability to heal itself. This can be achieved with appropriate treatment, but also by promoting good health through relevant advice. On a recent practice audit, 89% of people who underwent treatment showed considerable signs of improvement after an average of 2.73 treatments. However, while we are strongly encouraged by these results and from the feedback of our patients, we recognise that osteopathy is not a panacea for all illnesses. When a patient first comes for a consultation, our primary objective is to discover whether osteopathy is right for them. If we decide that it is inappropriate, then we will refer the patient to whoever we feel is most appropriate, e.g. doctor or acupuncturist. However, if a patient is showing no signs of improvement after three treatments, then we will cease treatment and refer the patient.